06 Dec 2023 – USD to PKR Today 6 December conversion rate is PKR 284.53 in Interbank exchange rate as an official rate of the State Bank of PakistanUSD to PKR buying as well as selling prices differ between open market and interbank rates. US Dollar to Pakistani Rupees has fallen down by PKR 0.15 or 0.053% on trading in Interbank rate.

USD to PKR Rate on 6 December

Interbank USD Rate

06 Dec 23PKR 283.64PKR 284.14

Open Market Rate

06 Dec 23PKR 283.3PKR 286

Currency Exchange Rates to Pakistani Rupees USD to PKR Today

 Australian Dollar187.2189
 Canadian Dollar209211
 China Yuan39.8940.29
 Japanese Yen1.391.45
 Saudi Riyal7676.8
 U.A.E Dirham77.478.1
 UK Pound Sterling358.5362
 US Dollar283.3286
Pakistan Open Market Forex Rates
Updated at : 6/12/2023 5:06 PM (PST)

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