Sadaqat Abbasi Quits PTI

Sadaqat Abbasi, a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan (MNA) from Rawalpindi, resigned from the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Monday.

Abbasi, who was elected to the NA on a PTI ticket in the 2018 general election, announced his resignation in a letter to PTI Chairman Imran Khan.

In the letter, Abbasi said that he was resigning from the PTI due to “personal reasons.” However, he did not elaborate on his reasons for leaving the party.

Abbasi’s resignation is a blow to the PTI, which is already facing a number of challenges, including a spate of resignations from its ranks.

It is unclear what Abbasi’s next move will be. However, he is expected to join another political party in the coming days.

Impact of Sadaqat Abbasi’s Resignation on PTI

Sadaqat Abbasi’s resignation is a blow to the PTI, which is already facing a number of challenges, including a spate of resignations from its ranks.

Abbasi was a popular PTI leader in Rawalpindi, and his resignation is likely to weaken the party’s position in the city.

Additionally, Abbasi’s resignation is likely to further demoralize PTI workers and supporters. The party has already lost a number of key members in recent months, and Abbasi’s resignation is just the latest setback for the PTI.


Sadaqat Abbasi’s resignation from the PTI is a significant development in Pakistani politics. It is unclear what Abbasi’s next move will be, but his resignation is likely to have a negative impact on the PTI.

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