Islamabad, Sept 20, 2023:

Electricity consumers in Pakistan are bracing for another shock as the government is considering raising the electricity tariff by Rs1.8 per unit.

The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) has filed an application with the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) for an increase in the electricity tariff. The CPPA has cited the rising cost of fuel as the reason for the proposed increase.

If NEPRA approves the CPPA’s request, it will be the second increase in the electricity tariff in less than a year. In July 2023, NEPRA approved an increase of Rs1.95 per unit.

The proposed increase in the electricity bills is likely to have a significant impact on consumers, especially the poor and middle class. The increase is also likely to fuel inflation, which is already at a record high.

The government has defended the proposed increase in the electricity tariff, saying that it is necessary to cover the rising cost of fuel. However, the opposition parties have criticized the government, saying that the increase is unjustified and will burden the people further.

The NEPRA hearing on the CPPA’s application is scheduled to be held on September 25, 2023.

Significance of the proposed increase in electricity tariff:

The proposed increase in the electricity tariff is significant for a number of reasons. First, it is the second increase in the electricity tariff in less than a year. Second, it comes at a time when inflation is already at a record high. Third, it is likely to have a significant impact on consumers, especially the poor and middle class.


The proposed increase in the electricity tariff is a matter of concern for consumers. The government and NEPRA should carefully consider the impact of the increase on consumers before making a decision.

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