
The automobile industry in Pakistan is presently navigating through a challenging phase, marked by a confluence of economic factors that have sent shockwaves through the market. The key culprits in this turmoil are the rapid depreciation of the local currency and the relentless surge in production costs. Consequently, renowned car manufacturers are swiftly responding to these developments by revising their prices upwards, and the first to embark on this path is KIA. This Pakistan Time article aims to delve into the recent escalations of KIA cars price in Pakistan, shedding light not only on these adjustments but also on the pervasive tax implications that have further complicated the landscape for both consumers and manufacturers.

KIA Cars Price in Pakistan

KIA, a prominent South Korean automaker operating in Pakistan, has recently made substantial price adjustments for its popular models. These price hikes are primarily attributed to the significant depreciation of the local currency and increased production costs. Below are the revised prices for some of KIA’s notable models:

  1. KIA Picanto AT: The entry-level model from KIA has seen its price surge by up to Rs125,000, bringing the new price to Rs3.95 million.
  2. KIA Stonic EX+: The price of the KIA Stonic has been raised from Rs6.05 million to Rs6.28 million, marking an increase of Rs230,000.
  3. KIA Sportage AWD: The KIA Sportage AWD, one of the brand’s best-selling models, now costs Rs8.92 million, with a price surge of Rs100,000 from its previous price of Rs8.82 million.
  4. KIA Sportage black: The price of the KIA Sportage Black has jumped by a staggering Rs350,000, bringing its new price to Rs9.65 million.

Here’s a summary of the KIA price changes for these models:

ModelsOld PriceNew PricePrice Difference
Kia Picanto ATRs3,825,000Rs3,950,000Rs125,000
Kia Stonic EX+Rs6,050,000Rs6,280,000Rs230,000
Kia Sportage AWDRs8,820,000Rs8,920,000Rs100,000
Kia Sportage BlackRs9,300,000Rs9,650,000Rs350,000

Challenges Faced by Pakistan’s Auto Industry

Pakistan’s automobile industry is grappling with significant challenges, particularly in the face of the current economic turmoil. The primary issues contributing to these challenges include:

  • Currency Depreciation: The continuous depreciation of the local currency has a direct impact on the cost of importing vehicles and their components. This has resulted in automakers having to increase prices to maintain profitability.
  • Production Costs: Rising production costs, encompassing labor, raw materials, and energy expenses, have further pressured manufacturers to raise vehicle prices.
  • Dependence on Imports: Pakistan’s auto industry heavily relies on imports for various vehicle components, which makes it vulnerable to fluctuations in international markets and exchange rates.
  • Economic Meltdown: The country’s current economic instability has further exacerbated the challenges faced by the auto industry, with consumers becoming more cautious about making significant purchases.


The recent price increases for KIA cars in Pakistan, driven by currency depreciation and increased production costs, serve as a reflection of the broader challenges confronting the country’s auto industry. KIA has been the first to revise its prices, and it’s expected that other car manufacturers may follow suit. For potential car buyers in Pakistan, these price adjustments necessitate careful budget planning and consideration of alternative options. Additionally, this situation highlights the need for the government and industry stakeholders to work together on strategies to stabilize and support the auto industry amidst economic uncertainties.

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