As the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) approaches its ten-year mark, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has urged India, Pakistan’s neighbor, to benefit from the massive undertaking rather than place barriers in its path.

He emphasized the project’s importance by stating that Iran, Afghanistan, the Middle East, and the entire region would gain from it.

In a statement released by the PM Office on Wednesday, he stated, “CPEC is a beautiful plan to connect not only regions and areas but also people’s hearts.”

A Background into China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a regional connectivity structure. Iran, Afghanistan, the Central Asian Republic, and the region will all gain from CPEC in addition to China and Pakistan. A region that is well connected and integrated will have improved road, rail, and air transportation systems, frequent and unrestricted exchanges of growth and people-to-people contact, increased understanding through academic, cultural, and regional knowledge and culture, activity of higher volume trade and business flow, production and movement of energy to have more advantageous businesses, and increased cooperation through win-win models.

In a worldwide world, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a step toward economic regionalization. It laid the groundwork for the win-win concept and peace.

Double the pace of development

The prime minister promised to double the pace of development since it would not only improve air, train, sea, and road transportation, but also areas related to health, education, and skill development, as well as the involvement of the general public.

A definite game changer

The prime minister referred to it as a game-changer for the entire region and predicted that CPEC would raise living standards in the area.

CPEC, a new chapter in the enduring and reliable strategic cooperative cooperation between the two Iron brothers, was completed after ten years by the leadership and people of Pakistan and China, to whom PM Shehbaz expressed his congratulations.

He praised the initiative as an outstanding illustration of the ideal of “development for all” held by PML-N Quaid Muhammad Nawaz Sharif and the great Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

“China’s President Xi’s vision of peace, friendship, and economic cooperation is manifested in the Belt and Road initiative.”

Special Economic Zones (SEZs)

According to PM Shehbaz, CPEC includes numerous initiatives, including those related to the provision of water, education, and technical and skilled-based training.

Nine Special Economic Zones (SEZs) will be built, and the transfer of new technology to Pakistan would eventually assist boost domestic production, he claimed.

National disaster management authority (NDMA)

The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and the early warning system for natural disasters, both of which are a part of CPEC, were also mentioned by the prime minister as effects of the project on their efficacy.

To ensure food security, he added, initiatives relating to agriculture have also been included in CPEC.

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