September 20, 2023

Iran has urged Azerbaijan and Armenia to resolve their dispute through dialogue and to comply with the ceasefire agreement that was signed in November 2020.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Monday, saying that Iran is “deeply concerned” about the recent escalation of tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The statement called on both sides to “exercise restraint and to avoid taking any further actions that could lead to further violence.

Iran also urged Azerbaijan and Armenia to “return to the negotiating table and to resolve their differences through dialogue.” The statement said that Iran is “ready to provide any assistance that may be necessary to facilitate the dialogue process.

The call from Iran comes amid heightened tensions between Azerbaijan and Armenia. In recent weeks, there have been a number of clashes between the two sides, resulting in casualties on both sides.

The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the disputed region of Nagorno-Karabakh has been ongoing for decades. The most recent round of fighting began in September 2020 and lasted for six weeks. The war ended with a ceasefire agreement that was brokered by Russia.

The ceasefire agreement has been largely holding, but there have been a number of violations in recent months. Both sides have accused the other of violating the agreement.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s statement is a welcome call for peace and dialogue. It is important for Azerbaijan and Armenia to resolve their differences through dialogue and to avoid taking any actions that could lead to further violence.

Significance of the statement

The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s statement is significant for a number of reasons. First, it is a reminder of Iran’s interest in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Second, it is a sign of Iran’s support for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Third, it is a sign of Iran’s willingness to play a role in facilitating the dialogue process.

The statement is also a reminder of the importance of regional cooperation in resolving the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. All of the countries in the region have an interest in seeing a peaceful resolution to the conflict.


The Iranian Foreign Ministry’s statement is a positive step. It is important for Azerbaijan and Armenia to heed Iran’s call for peace and dialogue. The two sides should return to the negotiating table and work to resolve their differences through dialogue.

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