ISLAMABAD, Sept 18, 2023

Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa on Monday refused to receive a guard of honour on his first day in office.

The CJP arrived at the Supreme Court on Monday morning to a warm welcome from the staff and lawyers. However, he declined to receive a guard of honour, which is a customary tradition for new CJPs.

CJP Isa’s decision to refuse a guard of honour is seen as a sign of his humility and commitment to simplicity. It is also a break from the past, as previous CJPs have always received a guard of honour on their first day in office.

The CJP’s decision has been welcomed by many Pakistanis, who have praised him for his humility and for setting a new standard for simplicity. Some people have also contrasted CJP Isa’s decision with the lavish lifestyles of some of his predecessors.

Significance of the CJP’s decision:

CJP Isa’s decision to refuse a guard of honour is significant for a number of reasons. First, it is a break from the past and sets a new standard for simplicity for future CJPs. Second, it is a sign of CJP Isa’s humility and commitment to serving the people. Third, it sends a message that the CJP is above all protocol and is focused on his work.

The CJP’s decision has also been welcomed by many Pakistanis, who are tired of the lavish lifestyles and extravagant spending of many government officials. The CJP’s decision shows that he is a man of the people and is committed to serving them in a humble and simple manner.

CJP Isa’s decision to refuse a guard of honour is a significant development. It is a break from the past, a sign of humility, and a message that the CJP is focused on his work. The CJP’s decision has also been welcomed by many Pakistanis, who are tired of the lavish lifestyles and extravagant spending of many government officials.

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