Jerusalem, Sept 18, 2023

Hundreds of people protested outside the Israeli Supreme Court on Monday as it began hearing a challenge to a new law that curbs the court’s power to overturn government legislation.

The law, which was passed by the Israeli parliament in December 2022, allows the government to override Supreme Court rulings with a simple majority vote. The law has been met with strong criticism from legal experts and opposition politicians, who argue that it undermines the independence of the judiciary and weakens the system of checks and balances.

The petitioners in the case are a group of lawyers, legal scholars, and activists who argue that the law is unconstitutional. They say that the law violates the basic principles of Israeli democracy, including the separation of powers and the rule of law.

The government, on the other hand, argues that the law is necessary to restore public confidence in the judiciary. The government has accused the Supreme Court of being too activist and of overstepping its authority.

The Supreme Court hearing is expected to last for several days. The court’s decision will have a major impact on the Israeli political system and on the balance of power between the judiciary and the government.

Significance of the protests:

The protests outside the Supreme Court on Monday are a sign of the deep public concern about the new law. The protests are also a sign of the growing divide between the government and the judiciary.

The outcome of the Supreme Court case is likely to have a major impact on Israeli politics. If the court strikes down the law, it will be a major setback for the government. If the court upholds the law, it will be a major victory for the government and a defeat for the judiciary.


The protests outside the Supreme Court on Monday are a sign of the deep public concern about the new law and the growing divide between the government and the judiciary. The outcome of the Supreme Court case is likely to have a major impact on Israeli politics.

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